Front-End Developer

HTML · CSS · JavaScript


I'm a recent gradutate of Jefferson College in Hillsboro, MO. Studying in the Web Developerment/Design, I'm looking to obtain a challenging and rewarding junior web developer position where I can utilize and expand my knowledge, proficiency, and skills to contribute to a company's growth. I have a great understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and would love to expand on what I know



A simple app that takes an input and search IMDB(internet movie database) through an API called OMDb and a package called Axios to handle the get requests. Also used Bootstrap to style the page and jQuery as well.


This a CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) app created with AngularJS with a backend using Firebase. It list pets available for adoption with contact info.


A Javascript color guessing game. Has 4 different difficult modes ranging from 2 squares to 9 squares.

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